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                    Your awesome Dream <br>
                    maker consultant
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                    The occupational traffic permit is one of the most important things in the company<br>
                    when carrying out freight transport. In fact, it is a prerequisite for<br>
                    doing business traffic at all.
                <button class="btn-lilac">Get started</button>


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                    We provide great Service
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                    The occupational traffic permit is one of the most important things in the company<br>
                    when carrying out freight transport. In fact, it is a<br>
                    prerequisite for doing business traffic at all.

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                            <h3>Web design</h3>
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                                Here you can find all
                                web design and all of yours
                                designing meterials
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                            <h3>Health and study</h3>
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                                your primary health your
                                good health and education
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                                Consistency in packaging
                                matter a lot. Give your attention
                                match design elements
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                                <img src="/images/pencil.svg" alt="">
                            <h3>Content writing</h3>
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                                It can be understood
                                that your fonts, sizes, headings,
                                sub-headings, and button

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                                The People are quick turnaround here
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                                The occupational traffic permit is one of the most <br>
                                things in the company How do you do when <br>
                                a commercial traffic permit for freight <br>
                                transport to your business? 
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                        <img src="/images//people_network.svg" alt="">

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                        <div class="question-item">
                            <div> When is a professional traffic permit needed?</div>
                        <div class="question-item">
                            <div> Where to look for a traffic permit?</div>
                        <div class="question-item">
                            <div> Are there differences between a traffic permit and a professional traffic permit?</div>
                        <div class="question-item">
                            <div> How much does a commercial traffic permit cost for goods?</div>
                        <div class="question-item">
                            <div> How to plug in for the traffic permit test?</div>
                        <div class="question-item">
                            <div> How is the sample for a professional traffic permit booked?</div>
                    <div class="col under-the-man">
                        <div class="question-item">
                            <div> When is a professional traffic permit needed?</div>
                        <div class="question-item">
                            <div> Where to look for a traffic permit?</div>
                        <div class="question-item">
                            <div> Are there differences between a traffic permit and a professional traffic permit?</div>
                        <div class="question-item">
                            <div> How much does a commercial traffic permit cost for goods?</div>
                        <div class="question-item">
                            <div> How to plug in for the traffic permit test?</div>
                        <div class="question-item">
                            <div> How is the sample for a professional traffic permit booked?</div>

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Задача, собственно, доверстать шаблон до конца. В видосе я начинаю верстать шаблон. Можете найти какой-нибудь свой шаблон. Я рассматриваю на следующем примере FigmaEx.fig

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